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About Space Today

May 30, 2020

One a little more than an hour from now,  NASA and Space X will make another attempt to launch.  Weather is still an issue but for now we are Go for Launch.

May 30, 2020

in just a little more than three hours from now, NASA and Space X will make another attempt for a launch.  Dawn Meyer, AST's Florida Space News Editor recaps why the weather forced Wednesday's scrub and today's forecast.

May 29, 2020

On Saturday, NASA and Space X will make another attempt to launch American astronauts on an American rocket from American since the last Space Shuttle in 2011.

From our Washington Bureau, Rick Potlock recaps the Wednesday Scrub and the launch details for tomorrow afternoon.  About Space Today's LIVE coverage begins at 3...

May 27, 2020

In just two hours,  AST will begin broadcasting LIVE coverage of a historic event, the Return of American Astronauts on an American rocket from American soil.  But in the mean time try your docking skills.  Rick Potock, Washington Bureau Chief, reports.

May 27, 2020

America's Return To Space - Launch Day.   If you don't like Florida weather...just wait an hour or so.  AST Florida Space News Editor, Dawn Meyer reports on the pre-launch possibilities in dealing with a go or no go for launch.